SOLVE Educator Survey 1. What grade(s) are the students that participated in SOLVE? Grade 6 or under Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 2. How many students participated in your class or group?Please enter a number greater than or equal to 1.3. Have you taught SOLVE before? Yes No 4. Would you recommend SOLVE to other educators? Yes No 5. What was your overall satisfaction of your experience teaching SOLVE? Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied 6. What version did you use with your class or group of students? Online (Students log-in individually with class code) Hybrid (Online + Offline – educator shares screen with class and uses handouts or answers as a group) Offline (Educator prints off all Offline PDFs and distributes to each student to complete in hard copy) 7. How was leading this version of SOLVE with your class? Easy Neutral Difficult Why?8. We would appreciate any other feedback you may have:9. Would you be interested in teaching future SOLVE mysteries about different health-related issues? Yes No Is there a particular health-related issue you would like to see as a new SOLVE mystery activity?